A Song by The Barn Again Gang


See the perspectives of Jesus ON His mother's side


Thursday, October 30, 2008

Your Returning Spouse Have What?

               You have a spouse (or boyfriend or girlfriend if you are single) that worked abroad to help shore up the financial requirements of your family.  Your spouse suddenly came home and confided to you that she/he had developed the HIV virus (AIDS) through casual sex.  What would be your reaction?  Would you still accept her/him inspite of what had happened? Please explain your answer.

Tags: Husband, Wife, Overseas Foreign Worker, Casual Sex, HIV Virus, AIDS, Fidelity, Family

Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla   

Sunday, October 26, 2008

You Got AIDS By Accident, How Will You React?

               You inadvertently contacted the HIV virus through tooth extraction where the equipments used were not properly sanitized and it developed into a full blown AIDS.  What would be your reaction?  Would you sue the dentist that caused you to have the HIV virus?  Please explain your answer.

Tags: HIV, AIDS, AIDS Awareness, Promiscuity, Safe Sex, Abstinence, Sex Within The Marriage

Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla 

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Would You Pull The Plug?

You are the official guardian of a very closed relative who is in a comma at a hospital kept alive only indefinitely by life support systems. The doctor says that chances of any recovery and reawakening is almost nil. You are almost at the end of your patience and resources. The doctor says that it's your decision to pull the plug or not. Would you pull the plug? Please explain your answer.

Tags: Euthanasia, Mercy Killing, The Dignity of Life, The Inevitability of Death, Life Support System, Pull The Plug, Dying, Eternal Rest

Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla

Monday, October 20, 2008

Do You Approve Of Homosexual And Lesbian Relationships?

Do you approve of homosexual and lesbian relationships especially homosexual and lesbian marriages? Please explain your answer.

Tags: Homosexual, Lesbian, Same Sex Marriages, Worldview

Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Fun At The Beach

What is your most memorable experience at the beach or at the sea? Please share that memorable experience with us.

Tags: Beach, Fun, Sea, Friends, Beloved, Memories, Sun, Games

Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Can You Keep A Juicy Secret?

How good are you in keeping a secret confided to you by a trusting friend? Will you keep the juicy secret to yourself or will you blurt it out to the nearest person you find? Please explain your answer.

Tags: Secret, Trust, Confidence, Trustworthy, Juicy Item, Talk of he Town, Gossips, Character

Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Your Theme Song

What is your favorite love song or your theme song with your beloved? What good memories does it evoke in you? Please explain your answer.

Tags: Theme Song, Love Song, Music, Universal Language, Love

Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla

Sunday, October 5, 2008

You Are An Instant Multi Millionaire

You just won $ 100 million in the lottery, what will you do with the money? What do you think will be the changes that will happen in your life? Will it affect your relationship with your former friends and acquaintances? Please explain your answer.

Tags: Instant Multi Millionaire, Rich and Famous, High and Mighty, Oodles of Money

Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla

Thursday, October 2, 2008

How Do You Express Your Love To Your Beloved?

In your own special way, how do you express your love to your beloved? Please explain your answer.

Tags: Beloved, Love of My Life, The One And Only, One In A Million, Soulmate, Everdearest

Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla