A Song by The Barn Again Gang


See the perspectives of Jesus ON His mother's side


Sunday, November 30, 2008

Would You Marry An Ex-Priest Or An Ex-Nun?

Would you marry an ex-priest or an ex-nun? Do you think you will be happy living with an ex-priest or an ex-nun? Please explain your answer.

Tags: Priest, Nun, Vows, Celibacy, Chastity, Obedience, Poverty, Renunciation of Vows, Living A Normal Life, Happiness

Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Could You Love A Love Child Of Your Spouse?

Suppose you are childless with your spouse for a long period of time, then you found out that your spouse has a love child out of wedlock. Your spouse was suggesting to you that you adopt the love child since you have no children of your own. Would you adopt the love child of your spouse? Would you love the child as your very own even if the child will always remind you of a previous indiscretion by your spouse? Please explain your answer.

Tags: Child, Marriage, Relationship, Faithfulness, Adoption, Infidelity, Spouse, Indiscretion, Harmony, Love, Trust

Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

How Important Is Sex In Your Realtionship With Your Beloved?

How important is sex in your relationship with your beloved? Would you still love your lover if you find him/her impotent or frigid? Please explain your answer.

Tags: Love, Lovers, Relationship, Sex, Sexual Relationship, Impotent, Frigid, Togetherness, Warmth, Union, Companionship

Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Do You Approve of Flirting?

Do you approve of flirting with a person you find very attractive and irresistible? If you are already married or engaged, do you feel any guilt when you flirt with the opposite sex? Please explain your answer.

Tags: Flirt, Flirtatious, Flings, Crushes, Infatuation, Attraction, Irresistible, Animal Magnetism, Magnificent Obssession

Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla

Thursday, November 6, 2008

What Attracts You Most From The Opposite Sex?

Nathalie Portman

What attracts you most from the opposite sex? Please elaborate and explain your answer.

Tags: Attraction, Sex, Feminine, Masculine, Animal Magnetism, Charisma, Desirability, Sex Goddess, Screen Goddess, Ultimate Hunk, Popularity, Sex Appeal

Posted by:Mel Avila Alarilla