A Song by The Barn Again Gang


See the perspectives of Jesus ON His mother's side


Friday, May 30, 2008

Happiness And Fulfillment in Life

What is your idea of happiness and fulfillment in life? How can you say, you are truly fulfilled in life?

Tags: Happiness, Fulfillment, Fulfilled Life

Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla


Val said...

That may be hard for some people to answer but for me having family I love and pets no matter where I have been has made me happy and the fulfillment is knowing I am doing the best I can. Have a great week Mel, love to you and family.

Mel Avila Alarilla said...

Hi Val,
Thanks for your visit and for your meaningful comments. Yes, our family can be a source of happiness and fulfillment in life. It's useless to be succesful in many areas of human endeavors if we fail in the most basic of all- our family. Thanks again and God bless you and your family always.

abdul vahid v said...

my idea is to be happy to be happied every time....i do enjoy every moment of life doing one or other thing....not lazied to do anything......

my satisfaction is in the satisfaction of the people by my hands...

all the best....

go on with your attempts....

Mel Avila Alarilla said...

Hi Abdul Vahid,
Thanks for your visit and for sharing with us your idea of what happiness and fulfillment mean to you. God bless.

bb_ANN said...

congrats on your new blog...this is so coooolllll. HAPPINESS! I've got a big dream, I'll be completely happy if i can attain all of it. All my efforts and dreams are for my family.

Anonymous said...

Happiness is not having what you want but wanting what you have. In fact, we are not even talking of "having" materials things here, but rather, those that are intangible and cannot be bought with money like peace of mind, joy eternal and an eternal assurance in Christ Jesus. If you have such, you are the happiest person in the world.

Thanks for visiting my site, HotMomma. I dropped by via my other blog, Pinoy Around the World.


Mel Avila Alarilla said...

Hi Bb_Anne,
Thanks for the compliment but TO GOD BE THE GLORY. I hope you will realize your cherished dream so that you can really be happy in life. Thanks for the visit and compliments. God bless.

Mel Avila Alarilla said...

Hi ModernMariaClara,
I agree with you 100% my friend. It is not in the possession of material things that will make us happy but what we have inside that counts. You amaze me with your words of wisdom. Thanks for your visit and comments. I will be linking you with this blog. I hope you do the same with mine by subscribing to my RSS email feeds. Thanks again and God bless.

foongpc said...

Happiness to me is a choice. I choose to be happy because I know you can't wait for happiness to come. You can't wait for circumstances to improve before feeling happy. If you are down, you must really ask yourself what purpose does it serve to continue being unhappy? Will it help you? Will it change things for the better? If not, why be unhappy? No matter what circumstances you are in, you have a choice to be happy. When you are happy and are grateful for all things in your life, things will magically change for the better. This is a fact - try it and prove me wrong.