This is your blog. I ask the questions, you supply the answers. This is a blog where you can share your ideas and thoughts about the subject matter at hand. Thanks and God bless.
Which would rather have, a pet dog or a pet cat? If you have either one or both, could you please give us their names and a little description of their characteristics?
Tags: Dog, Cat. Pet, Playmate, Loyalty, Playfulness, Companion, Cuddly, Attraction, Member of The Family
A Penny For Your Thoughts. Right now, at this very moment that you are reading this post, what is in your mind? Could you share it with us. If you're thinking about this post, just share with us your latest thoughts before you read this post.
Tags: Penny For Your Thoughts, Thoughts, Rambling, Focus, Chores, Problems, Ideas, Plans, Family, Friends, Recreation, Sports, TV, Computer, Blog, Internet, Video Games, Yesterday, Tomorrow, Sometime, Reverie, Dreams, Fears, Apprehension, Hope
Did you ever have any supernatural experience in your life, one that you could never forget for the rest of your life? Could you please share it with us?
Tags: Supernatural, Eerie, Mystery, Ghost, Poltergeist, Familiar Spirit, Elemental, Recurrent Dream, Astral Travel, Out Of Body Experience, UFO, Sightings, Seance, Visions, Nightmares, DeJa Vu, Soulmate, Trance
What was the most memorable and colorful experience you had when you were in high school or college? Could you please share it with us?
High School Life - Sharon Cuneta
Tags: High School, High School Life, First Love, Crush, First Date, First Kiss, Infatuation , Hero Worship, Dreams, Brokenhearted, Shattered Dreams, Friendship, Friends Forever, Best Friend Forever, Shared Dreams, Quest, Adventures, Hopes, Reality, World